
RPG Golden Sun 3 headed for the Nintendo 3DS?

Will the next instalment shine brightly in 3D?

RPG Golden Sun 3 headed for the Nintendo 3DS?
| Golden Sun 3

It would appear that the next instalment of Camelot’s Golden Sun series is heading to Nintendo 3DS.

Baxy-Z is reporting that an email it received from Nintendo regarding the next Golden Sun title confirms that the third in the saga is being developed for the recently announced 3DS console.

The email reply, received from the official Nintendo of America address, states that Nintendo, “can’t offer any additional information on Golden Sun 3 [at present]”.

It then goes on to say, “with the 3DS being publicly revealed at this year’s E3, keep your eyes peeled for information then”.

While this is far from an official conformation, it’s still pretty decisive stuff. Unless, of course, it’s simply a Nintendo support worker stirring up some false rumours.

Either way, it’d be interesting to see how Camelot would incorporate the 3D technology into the RPG series.

Mike Rose
Mike Rose
An expert in the indie games scene, Mike comes to Pocket Gamer as our handheld gaming correspondent. He is the author of 250 Indie Games You Must Play.