
Deep Silver mixes up the DS beat with DJ Star

Scratch the career mode, drop into the creation studio

Deep Silver mixes up the DS beat with DJ Star
| DJ Star

There have always been plenty of music creation games for the DS. Problem is, aside from the hardcore Korg DS-10 synthesiser, pretty much everything else has been a compromise between game and music. Even Guitar Hero didn't quite manage to do a wholly convincing job compared to other consoles, despite its special DS controller.

The touchscreen has potentia,l however, especially when it comes to the more electronic end of the musical spectrum, and that's what publisher Deep Silver and French developer Game Life is hoping to hook into with DJ Star.

It's part game, part DIY-beat machine, with the Career mode seeing you start out on birthdays, weddings and bar mitzvahs and slowly working your way up the ladder of global success.

This includes the usual array of mini-games so you build up a party atmosphere with spectacular light shows and the like - well, signing autographs, and dodging tomatoes.

Meanwhile, the real-time Free mode will include 40 tracks and 'teach' you the basics of mixing, BPM and pitch-shifting (at least as experienced on a DS).

There's also a Creation Studio, within which you can save your music onto your game cart as well as swapping tunes wirelessly with your friends.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.