
F2P platforming sequel Cordy Sky flies onto iPhone and iPad

Head in the clouds

F2P platforming sequel Cordy Sky flies onto iPhone and iPad
| Cordy Sky

SilverTree Media's switch-flicking robot Cordy is illuminating touchscreens for a second time in the platforming sequel Cordy Sky for iOS.

After successfully powering up Planet 1 in his Silver Award-winning debut on Android, Cordy is forced to ditch his rocket ship on an uncharted sky planet.

Together with new-found friend Volt, Cordy must refuel his damaged spacecraft by floating through the upper atmosphere.

Once airborne, he has to avoid obstacles, bounce off bumpers, and ping off springs as he races towards Planet 2.

This free-to-play title offers you the chance to purchase extra units of Gears - the in-game currency - via micro-transactions. If you can't be bothered collecting them yourself, that is.

Try before you buy

Having acquired your loot, you can then blow it on power-ups and costumes, before comparing your high score with the rest of the world on Game Center.

Concerned parents will appreciate the fact you can disable the in-app purchases in Cordy Sky, thus preventing children (or overzealous adults) from accidentally racking up enormous digital bills.

If you fancy guiding a multi-limbed TV set on a journey through the heavens (who doesn't?), you can download Cordy Sky for iPhone and iPad from the App Store for free right now.

Android owners, meanwhile, can expect to see Cordy Sky floating onto Google Play soon.

James Gilmour
James Gilmour
James pivoted to video so hard that he permanently damaged his spine, which now doubles as a Cronenbergian mic stand. If the pictures are moving, he's the one to blame.