
Color Cross and Animal Color Cross combined for iPad's Color Cross HD

Dotty with colour

Color Cross and Animal Color Cross combined for iPad's Color Cross HD
| Color Cross HD

Having released its colour Picross games on DS, DSiWare, PC, Facebook and iPhone, French developer Little Worlds Studio is going large and combining both Color Cross and Animal Color Cross for iPad in the shape of Color Cross HD.

As you'd expect, the game works with you having to fill in various layered grids, each consisting of a different colour to create the overall image. Your only hints are to cross reference the number sequences around the outside of the grid.

Logically expansive

In total, there are over 400 puzzles to solve - 222 are found in the Classic mode, while 200 are in the time-limited Arcade mode. Recreating animals is a key item, but other of the 18 themes include the movies, fashion, sweets, knights and pirates.

As well as a tutorial, there's a visual help system if you get stuck, and the game supports the English, French, Spanish, German and Italian languages.

Scores can be compared using the global leaderboards, and you can post your scores and create challenges on Facebook too.

Color Cross HD is out now, priced $2.99, €2.39 or £1.79. You can see how it plays in the following video.

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Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.