
E3 2012: Forget AirPlay. This is air powered iPad gaming

Puff and trust

E3 2012: Forget AirPlay. This is air powered iPad gaming

I don't have kids, but I can't think many parents would be happy to place their new iPads into their toddlers' sticky paws unsupervised.

(The little critters stealing the device when your back is turned is clearly another issue, of course.)

Still, the latest products from CTA Digital seem to suggest plenty of parental trust for little people.

Play nice

One example - the inflatable playcube - positively seems to encourage it.

In this, you strap your iPad into a velcro-secured plastic mounting, and then inflate the playcube beneath it.

Presumably then little Johnny or Jenny then kicks the blessed thing around with glee until they're either sick from excitement, or their parents' nerves are sufficiently shredded that playtime is over.

Drive me crazy

Slightly less dangerous is the inflatable sport car, which comes in generic car and SpongeBob Squarepants-branded designs.

Here you strap the iPad into the plastic steering wheel, and then the child sits in the inflatable car - hopefully not pulling out the steering wheel and throwing it down in disgust as many crashed Formula 1 drivers seem to do these days.

Inflatable sport car above, inflatable playcube below.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.