
Build-a-lot opens on Android

Become a virtual estate agent

Build-a-lot opens on Android
| Build-a-lot

The newly released Build-a-lot will be Glu’s third Android game release (assuming the paid Market has been rolled out in your area yet) following on from Brain Genius Deluxe and Bonsai Blast, as part of the company's new phased marketing strategy.

The game is a conversion of a popular PC strategy title from HipSoft, and uses a SimCity style of gameplay with a lean toward making money from property development.

“We are proud to continue to support the Open Handset Alliance’s efforts with Android and believe Android Market provides a fertile environment for the business of mobile games,” says Jill Braff, senior vice president at Glu.

Build-a-lot is an addictive game that will resonate with anybody who’s ever wanted to try their hand at the housing market.”

The estate agent antics go beyond selling houses with cracked foundations to first time buyers, however. If the town gets a local movie star, you might be given chance to build them a cinema, or arrange an ice rink for an Olympic bid.

It’s proven pretty popular as a downloadable PC game, and the recently released mobile version landed itself a well-earned Bronze Award, so it’ll be very interesting to see how it performs on Google’s new gaming platform.

Spanner Spencer
Spanner Spencer
Yes. Spanner's his real name, and he's already heard that joke you just thought of. Although Spanner's not very good, he's quite fast, and that seems to be enough to keep him in a regular supply of free games and away from the depressing world of real work.