
Challenge game Bonecruncher Soccer warms up for iPhone and Android

Armour your shinpads

Challenge game Bonecruncher Soccer warms up for iPhone and Android

A week in which FIFA's top medic has complained about the criminality and brutality of tackles might not seem like an auspicious time to talk about a game called Bonecruncher Soccer.

Still, it's slightly toned down from the original title of Distinctive's footie challenge game, which was Legbreaker Soccer.

The purpose of the game remains the same, however.

You have to attack a goal while dodging the defenders who are out to crunch your bones with a variety of Vinnie Jones-style challenges.

Put your laces through it

There are 40 challenges in total, including timed levels, checkpoints and exclusion zones. There's also a Shootout mode, which allows you to practise your scoring skills from static positions as seen in games like Flick Kick Football.

Your movements are controlled via a gesture-based control system for performing side steps and 360-degree spins.

Distinctive has also included character customisation options so you can ensure your player is just as you want him, from haircut to kit colour, and leaderboards are supported using Apple's Game Center social platform.

Bonecruncher Soccer will be available mid-October on iPhone and iPod touch with a launch price of 59p / 99c.

It will also be available for Android devices priced $1.99.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.