
Konami lights the fuse on Bomberman DS sequel

Detonation set for February

Konami lights the fuse on Bomberman DS sequel
| Bomberman 2 DS

Konami has confirmed the return of one of gaming’s best loved franchises to DS. Developer Hudsonsoft is just putting the finishing touches to Bomberman DS 2 before its February 13th release.

Although the borderline psychotic Bomberman seems ever-present on all formats, it’s actually been three and a half years since he appeared in the DS original (although he's starred in other titles in between).

We rather liked Bomberman DS, so we’re about ready to explode with excitement over news of a sequel.

Naturally, with such a long time in between games, Konami has promised “a visual make-over and a wealth of new elements to the gameplay.”

Fortunately this won’t amount to tampering with the core gameplay, which still involves dropping a bomb (or five) in front of your opponents and legging it around the corner before it explodes.

What has changed, it seems, is the rather confined nature of the gameplay, with a more open play area being offered up. You’ll also be set specific tasks to complete before the timer runs down, such as blowing up a set number of blocks or simply escaping a level.

Perhaps most exciting, though, is the promise of wi-fi multiplayer support. Bomberman has always been at its best as a social experience, so being able to take on all-comers over the internet is brilliant news.

What’s more, you’ll be able to customise your hero’s appearance with over 160,000 possible additions on offer. That’s one heck of a wardrobe.

Keep your eyes peeled for our review nearer the release date.

Jon Mundy
Jon Mundy
Jon is a consummate expert in adventure, action, and sports games. Which is just as well, as in real life he's timid, lazy, and unfit. It's amazing how these things even themselves out.