
Apple's lawyers threaten legal action over realistic-looking $100 Steve Jobs figurine

One less thing

Apple's lawyers threaten legal action over realistic-looking $100 Steve Jobs figurine

You didn't have to be an Apple Genius to guess that Steve Jobs's death would lead to waves and waves of unofficial merchandise, such as the incredibly detailed (and incredibly creepy) 12-inch Jobs doll that was recently unveiled by a Chinese company.

As expected, Apple got wind of the forthcoming doll and has sent its legal team around to have a quiet word.

According to The Telegraph, Apple's legal team has sent a sternly worded letter to the doll's creators, In Icons, which states that "any toy that resembles the technology company's logo, person's name, appearance or likeness of its products is a criminal offense."

California Civil Code Section 3344 - which prohibits the use of a person's name, likeness, voice, or signature without consent - lasts throughout a person's entire life, and for a further 70 years following his / her death.

The $100 doll comes complete with Jobs's trademark black turtleneck, blue jeans, and New Balance trainers, as well as two pairs of glasses, a pair of apples, and a "One More Thing" keynote backdrop. Classy.

Anthony Usher
Anthony Usher
Anthony is a Liverpool, UK-based writer who fell in love with gaming while playing Super Mario World on his SNES back in the early '90s. When he isn't busy grooming his beard, you can find him replaying Resident Evil or Final Fantasy VII for the umpteenth time. Aside from gaming, Anthony likes hiking, MMA, and pretending he’s a Viking.