
App Army Ranks

App Army Ranks

Ten-hut! Below you will find all the current members of Pocket Gamer's App Army, the crack squad of mobile gaming experts we trust with top secret titles ahead of their release dates.

Each App Army member's name will appear here once they have contributed to at least one article.

Members of the App Army rank up by contributing to App Army Assemble hands-ons and App Army Answers discussions, helping fellow troops in our secret channel, and generally being nice sorts across Pocket Gamer, AppSpy, Twitch, and Twitter.

For every rank gained, our troops walk away with a premium iOS game, but even more prizes await in the upper ranks. Who will rise up next?




Troops! If you believe there is a mistake on this list, please contact Danny via e-mail or Facebook (you know how).

This page will shortly include guides for App Army as well as a comprehensive list of articles, so stay tuned.

If you are interested in joining the App Army, please complete the App Army Needs YOU! form and we'll be in touch.

Danny Russell
Danny Russell
After spending years in Japan collecting game developers' business cards, Danny has returned to the UK to breed Pokemon. He spends his time championing elusive region-exclusive games while shaking his fist at the whole region-locking thing.