
LG says Android Gingerbread requires 1GHz processor, Android tech lead begs to differ

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LG says Android Gingerbread requires 1GHz processor, Android tech lead begs to differ

Gingerbread’s officially out of the bag, and we can all look forward to getting it (if you’re a Nexus One owner) or being endlessly promised it and maybe getting it around the time of the Android 3.0 release (if you’re a Galaxy S owner).

You owners of older Android handsets might not be so happy. According to LG, Gingerbread requires at least a 1GHz processor to operate on.

One subscriber to LG’s Facebook page asked whether Gingerbread would be coming to the LG Optimus S, which features a 600MHz processor. The LG representative responded in the negative, explaining that “the minimum requirements for Gingerbread require 1GHz processor.”

According to Android tech lead Dan Morrill, however, this is a load of rubbish. He tweeted:

"Random note: there's no hard minimum processor requirement for Gingerbread. Trust me, if there were I'd know. ;)"

Who's right? You'd think it would be the Android chap, but I never trust a guy who winks.

Droid Life
Jon Mundy
Jon Mundy
Jon is a consummate expert in adventure, action, and sports games. Which is just as well, as in real life he's timid, lazy, and unfit. It's amazing how these things even themselves out.