
Symbian Executive Director: Evil Google “is building a perfect storm of fragmentation” with Android

Lee Williams reveals his “crude view of Android”

Symbian Executive Director: Evil Google “is building a perfect storm of fragmentation” with Android

By his own admission, Symbian Executive Director Lee Williams has “a crude view of Android,” but few could have predicted just how crude.

Speaking with Gigaom recently, Williams laid into the very concept of a Google mobile OS, claiming that one of the fundamental goals of the company is to “cookie” users in order to gather information on their browsing habits. This in turn allows for very targeted advertising and cater-made applications.

“What is the motivation for any other company in an Android eco-system when in fact the consumers are being taken right away from them just in some of these simple concepts?” asked Williams.

“Android is building a perfect storm of fragmentation in a large market place,” he continued. “As they continue to do the revenue share deals with the operators and leverage the benefits of these cookied consumers, [considering] how many different UI elements and enclosed APIs you’re going to end up with in that scenario, I think that becomes a very big open question: 'how do you sustain and return on investments in that type of eco-system?'"

To top it all off, when asked if Google with its Android was more ‘evil’ than Apple with its iPhone, Williams replied:

“I don’t view Apple as evil, just greedy. Google… come on, when you have to say in your motto that ‘we’re not evil’ – right away the first question in my mind is 'why do you have to tell me that?'”

Here's the full Android-bashing exchange:

Jon Mundy
Jon Mundy
Jon is a consummate expert in adventure, action, and sports games. Which is just as well, as in real life he's timid, lazy, and unfit. It's amazing how these things even themselves out.