
Everything you need to know about the Yordle Expedition event in League of Legends: Wild Rift

Everything you need to know about the Yordle Expedition event in League of Legends: Wild Rift

If you've been early looking forward to the next event in League of Legends: Wild Rift, your wait has come to an end. A new and exciting event featuring new champions, skins, new missions, and plenty of free rewards has just launched, and it's nothing short of amazing. 

The new event in Wild Rift is called Yordle Expedition, and as the name suggests, it features a handful of new Yordle champions! This event will be available from the 9th of January until the 29th of January, so you better hop into the Rift and start completing the missions!  

Wild Rift Yordle Expedition overview

In this event, Wild Rift players will delve deeper into the world of Runeterra, and explore the lore of all the major regions (such as Freljord, Demacia, Noxus, and more) all while getting rewarded with free champions! Is that good, you may ask? You bet! Champions can cost you a lot of Blue Motes, so if you can collect them for free, you're set.

Stay up-to-date with the latest Wild Rift news, guides, and more by checking our League of Legends: Wild Rift hub

New Daily Missions

Every single day for the duration of the event, players receive 3 new daily tasks. These tasks reset at 00:00 UTC, so you should always try to complete them within the day. If there is a mission that you haven't completed though, it will get replaced with a new one - and you bet you don't want to miss any of them.

The objectives for these daily missions are fairly simple. As long as you're actively playing a few games, you should be able to easily complete every one of them! The tasks you will encounter include getting 10 kills, casting your ultimate 15 times, and winning 2 games. If you play your cards (or should I say champions?) right, you could even complete them with just 2 games a day!  

As for rewards, you will be rewarded with 20 Steps and 90 Blue Motes per daily task, for a total of 60 Steps and 180 Blue Motes!

Region Missions - a new kind of side tasks

When you unlock a new region in the Yordle Progress map, you will unlock along with it a region task. Unlike their daily counterparts, the region tasks do not have an expiration date, except for the event final date (January 29th). So, you can continue working on these missions all throughout the event period. 

However, you can only have 1 region task at a time. To unlock a new region (and its respective tasks) all you have to do is complete your current one. But, there's a twist to this - the regions unlock server-wide, so if you're finished with your region tasks, you might have to wait a day until the server progressed to the next region. 

League of Legends: Wild Rift Regions and their objectives

As I previously mentioned, each region comes with its own objectives. I'll list them all down below, so you know exactly what to expect! 

#1. Demacia

Unlocks: January 9
Mystery Reward: Teemo Icon


Kill 7 dragons with your team


Win 2 games with a Demacia champion on your team

Mission rewards: 100 Steps, 25 Poro Coins Demacian Champions you can use: Garen, Lux, Jarvan, Fiora, Shyvana, Vayne, Xin Zhao, Sona

#2. Freljord

Unlocks: January 11
Mystery Reward: Lulu will be available in the Shop


Kill 500 monsters with your team


Win 2 games with a Freljord champion on your team

Mission rewards: 100 Steps, 25 Poro Coins Freljordian Champions you can use: Ashe, Tryndamere, Braum, Olaf, Gragas

#3. Noxus 

Unlocks: January 12
Mystery Reward: -


Deal 50,000 damage to enemy champions


Win 2 games with a Noxus champion on your team

Mission rewards: 100 Steps, 25 Poro Coins Noxians you can use: Darius, Draven

#4. Ionia

Unlocks: January 13
Mystery Reward: -


Place or destroy 30 wards


Win 2 games with an Ionian champion on your team

Mission rewards: 100 Steps, 25 Poro Coins Ionian Champions you can use: Ahri, Akali, Jhin, Yasuo, Kennen, Lee Sin, Master Yi, Varus, Zed, Wukong, Lee Sin

#5. Bilgewater

Unlocks: January 15
Reward: -


Collect 50,000 gold


Win 2 games with a Bilgewater champion on your team

Mission rewards: 100 Steps, 25 Poro Coins Bilgewater Champions you can use (mainly pirates and fish): Fizz, Graves, Miss Fortune, Twisted Fate

#6. Ixtal

Unlocks: January 17
Reward: -


Get 40 takedowns


Win 1 games with an Ixtal champion on your team

Mission rewards: 100 Steps, 25 Poro Coins Ixtali Champions you can use: Malphite

#7. Piltover & Zaun

Unlocks: January 18
Reward: -


Kill 1,000 minions with your team


Win 2 games with a Piltover/Zaun champion on your team

Mission rewards: 100 Steps, 25 Poro Coins Piltover Champions you can use: Ezreal, Orianna, Camille, Vi Zaun Champions you can use: Jinx, Blitzcrank, Dr. Mundo, Janna, Singed, Ziggs

#8. Shurima

Unlocks: January 20
Reward: -


Destroy 35 turrets with your team


Win 2 games with a Shurima champion on your team

Mission rewards: 100 Steps, 25 Poro Coins Shuriman Champions you can use: Amumu, Nasus, Kai'Sa

#9. Mount Targon

Unlocks: January 21
Reward: - 


Kill 5 Barons with your team


Win 2 games with a Targon champion on your team

Mission rewards: 100 Steps, 25 Poro Coins Targonians you can use: Aurelion Sol, Soraka

But the rewards don't stop here. You might have noticed the Steps which are a reward given by completing daily tasks and region missions. These Steps can be used to exchange for truly awesome goods, in the event Missions tab. 

Missions & Step rewards

The Step rewards can be claimed when you have collected a total number of Steps, from any of these missions, as follows: 

  • Reward 1: Gromp Emote - for collecting 400 Steps
  • Reward 2: 600 Blue Motes - for collecting 700 Steps
  • Reward 3: 25 Poro Coins - for collecting 1000 Steps
  • Reward 4: Bauble (the item that displays in matches next to the champion you've killed) - for collecting 1300 Steps 
  • Reward 5: Yordle Expedition Champion Selection Chest - for collecting 1600 Steps
  • Reward 6: Yordle Expedition Pose Selection Chest - for collecting 1850 Steps
  • Reward 7: Icon Border - for collecting 2000 Steps

By claiming Reward 5, you will be able to unlock one of the Yordle champions for free. So, don't waste another moment and get to battle! 

Cristina Mesesan
Cristina Mesesan
Cristina is a lifelong gamer who also loves digital art, she's worked as an animator and tried some game level designing in Unity. Her biggest passion is pixel games (Stardew, To the Moon), and she adores writing and sharing her knowledge about games.