
Tennis Clash brings the Australian Open 2024 to the game in its latest update

Tennis Clash brings the Australian Open 2024 to the game in its latest update

Wildlife Studios has announced a new collaboration within Tennis Clash, letting players experience the Australian Open 2024 in partnership with Tennis Australia. In particular, you can look forward to some branded content along with fresh mechanics and the new "Trophy Road" until January 28th.

In the latest update for Tennis Clash, you can look forward to a special in-game replica of the Australian Open main court, as well as the Rod Laver Arena and plenty of themed goodies. You can also collect AO Tokens to redeem exclusive branded items, as well as take part in the progression system called the "AO Grand Tour", which will be available once you clear all nine previous Tours.

"Our collaboration with Tennis Clash continues to captivate fans, bringing the spirit of the Australian Open into the virtual realm," says Tennis Australia’s Head of Innovation Machar Reid. "Tennis Clash is one of the biggest mobile tennis games in the world, helping make the love for tennis more accessible worldwide."

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"The Australian Open collaboration is the best way we can start the new year," says Felipe Mendes, Tennis Clash General Manager. "Tennis Clash is always committed to creating immersive in-game experiences by partnering with each of the real-world Grand Slam organizations. This year is even more exciting with our new AO tokens and Grand Tour, which aim at delivering the thrill of professional tennis within Tennis Clash."

If you're keen on giving the game a go yourself, you can do so by downloading Tennis Clash on the iOS App Store and on the Google Play Store for Android devices. It's a free-to-play game with in-app purchases. You can also visit the official website to stay updated on all the latest developments, join the community of followers on Facebook for more info on the game, or take a little sneak peek at the embedded clip above to get a feel of the game's vibes and visuals.

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Catherine Dellosa
Catherine Dellosa
Catherine plays video games for a living and writes because she’s in love with words. Her Young Adult contemporary novel, For The Win: The Not-So-Epic Quest Of A Non-Playable Character, is her third book published by Penguin Random House SEA - a poignant love letter to gamer geeks, mythological creatures, teenage heartbreak, and everything in between. She one day hopes to soar the skies as a superhero, but for now, she strongly believes in saving lives through her works in fiction. Check out her books at, or follow her on FB/IG/Twitter at @thenoobwife.