
Simon the Sorcerer 2 enters a magic wardrobe, ends up on Android


Simon the Sorcerer 2 enters a magic wardrobe, ends up on Android

MojoTouch has found a copy of comedy adventure Simon the Sorcerer 2 in the back of some closet, dusted it off, and released it on Android as a fancy 20th Anniversary Edition.

You'll once again slip on the ill-fitting robe of hapless wizard chappy Simon, and try to find a way back to the real world using nothing but your wits and any item that hasn't been bolted down.

Along the way you'll have to deal with fairytale characters, go on a pirate ship, and I think there was some obtuse puzzle involving a tattoo? Look, I haven't played it since I was about six years old. Cut me some slack.

Simon the Sorcerer 2

This new Android edition features new touch-friendly controls, with hotspots so you don't need to hunt for pixels. There are also new game menus, and a better save-and-load system.

You can play with new upscaled art. But if, like me, you reckon that stuff turns beautiful pixel art into an ugly Play-Doh mess, you can thankfully flip the retro switch and see the old sprites.

You can also pick from multiple music options, and get English, German, Spanish, French, Polish, and Czech voice acting.

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So if you have a strong nostalgic urge to revisit this classic on your Android, or if you had better things to do back in 1995 and missed it first time around, you can get Simon the Sorcerer 2 on Google Play now for £2.69 / $3.99.

Now let's all agree that the series ended here, on a high note, and that there weren't three rubbish sequels and a pinball spin-off. Sound good?

Mark Brown
Mark Brown
Mark Brown spent several years slaving away at the Steel Media furnace, finally serving as editor at large of Pocket Gamer before moving on to doing some sort of youtube thing.