How Tos

Sea of Conquest tips for naval domination

| Sea of Conquest
Sea of Conquest tips for naval domination

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With Funplus’ Sea of Conquest, the world is your oyster…if you play your cards right. And while we’ve covered all the basics of this piratical adventure, there’s still plenty to cover that doesn’t quite fit into our guides. But these are vital tips nonetheless that are guaranteed to help you avoid meeting your fate in Davy Jones’ locker!

So here are our Sea of Conquest tips, constantly updated, to help you succeed in the whirlpool of pirate schemes and gun volleys. 

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Tip #1 - Watch where you park

You aren’t safe when you log out! Be sure to sail your ship somewhere safe, usually well away from a port in the middle of the ocean, in order to avoid being snuck up on and sunk by players when you’re logged out.

Tip #2 - Gang up

Join a gang - even if you don’t intend on playing much with them, the 100 Emeralds you get for your first sign-up is more than enough incentive to take the plunge. You can also gain access to a stash and build up exclusive currency to spend on rewards by donating to, and helping out, your gangmates.

Tip #3 - Less supplies, more problems

Resupplying is easy! But you can also easily miss how it works if you blunder through the tutorials - when you dock, you actually have to tap the depart icon floating above the jetty. This will let you replenish supplies and sailors, even if you aren’t actually departing, weirdly enough.

Tip #4 - Be a pirate!

Find ships to attack! By using the magnifying glass icon in the bottom left-hand of the screen, you can automatically locate and attack the nearest armed freighter or merchant ship, as well as ships you need to destroy to complete objectives.

Tip #5 - Get into the grindset

Get ready to grind. With MMORPGs, the grind is essentially part of the appeal. Checking in often, doing missions and attacking ships will be what you need to do if you want to avoid shelling out real cash.

Tip #6 - Here be monsters

Avoid Sea Monsters, or…plot your route manually. If you use an automatic route then yes it’ll be easier, but it also means that you’ll more than likely run into obstacles that’ll smash apart your fragile ship. So keep an eye out, and simply plot a route around if you need to.

Tip #7 - Get out of the scrum

Get away from the built-up areas. That’s where a lot of newbie-hunters will be hanging around, and it’s always easier to establish yourself in more isolated areas of the seas than try to compete for the top spots. You can easily set a course even for ports you haven't yet found - just watch your route on the way...

Tip #8 - Get couponing

Use codes for Sea of Conquest - we’ve collated some of the currently active and inactive seasonal codes that you can use to quickly gain resources. While it won’t entirely eliminate the grind, it does help to boost you forward.

Tip #9 - It's not all about the stealing...mostly

Just like for real-life pirates, your most valuable goods to trade aren’t necessarily gold or loot…but resources like rice. You can easily trade in large stacks of rice or other goods from treasure map quests for up to 10k gold during the early game - the only issue of course is hold space…

Tip #10 - Use your compass!

Use your compass! Each time you visit a new port, there’ll be a gold icon where you can use your golden compass. Usually, this will give you a free treasure map, and as we’ve just mentioned, that’s an easy way to build up quick cash early on. But even if not, you’ll get a solid amount of resources and adventure experience for your trouble.

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Iwan Morris
Iwan Morris
Iwan is a Cardiff-based freelance writer, who joined the Pocket Gamer Biz site fresh-faced from University before moving to the editorial team in November of 2023.