
Pocket Gamer April Fool's Round-Up

Who had the last laugh?

Pocket Gamer April Fool's Round-Up

Hey you. Guess what? It's past midday on April 1, which means that anyone who tries to fool you from now on is a fool themselves. That's right, we survived for another year. Hooray!

Did anyone manage to 'get' you this year? Probably not, you're all too smart for that.

Though perhaps Alysia's Clash Royale emojis caught you off guard? Or maybe Biz's story on Alpha Go becoming the undisputed Tower master had you going for just a second?

Either way, now we can sit back and laugh (or not laugh) at them all together. Here's some of our favourites.

Frogmind cast things in a pretty dark light by promoting a brand new Badland amusement park. Just as well it's fake, something tells me this one wouldn't pass the required health and safety regulations.

SnoopDogg has been collaborating with You Tube to create Snoopavision, a roving 360 video featuring commentary on the hottest videos on the network. Though I wish he'd weighed in on whether the maple-covered bacon dog is a victim of ill-treatment or not.

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Nintendo Life had a bit of fun at everyone’s expense while teasing Splatoon Legends on 3DS. It runs at an astonishing 29 FPS and features concept created character, Inky. Well played, guys.

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Team 17 is also working on a Worms Dating Revolution with over 1 million customisable options and multiple endings. Hey, if pigeons can do it, why can't a wriggly, crawling insect?

Nintendo’s first smartphone game has only just come out in the West, but the follow-up has already been announced.

Sleepio scores your sleep in order to help you improve its quality. The funniest thing is - of all the jokes today - this is one that probably has the best chance of coming true.

You can always rely on Blizzard for April Fools japes and the latest is a Hearthstone MMO. Yes, now you can take the cards based on characters in the World of Warcraft and play them in an MMO. Wait a minute...

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I hope you didn’t chuck out your Nokia 3310 because Stronghold Kingdoms is coming to it very soon. With cutting edge graphics and high quality audio this is …. probably not something you’d ever want to play.

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And speaking of oldies and goodies, Townsmen has announced a Gameboy cartridge featuring their hit game. Really, with all this sudden support for retro platforms, it may be time to raid your attic.

Google have stepped things up the VR/AR race by announcing Google Cardboard Plastic. This revolutionary device will allow you to see and hear things as if you're really there. Because you actually are.

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The big story of the day goes to Google Mail, though. They implemented a "mic-drop" option next to the Send button which allowed you to end and archive a conversation by adding a gif to close it out.

Sounds funny, right? It took less than half a day before Google received hundreds of complaints from people who had received angry messages from their bosses, lost their jobs, and missed out on freelance opportunities. Oops.

It got so out of hand that Google immediately killed the joke, claiming gremlins had got into their system and were just having some fun.

Jokes on them, I guess…

Any we missed that you particularly liked? What was your favourite? Sound off in the comments.

Ray Willmott
Ray Willmott
When not objecting to witnesses in Phoenix Wright or gushing over Monkey Island, Ray does social things for Steel Media. He also pretends to look like Han Solo in his profile picture.