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How to get free dice rolls in Monopoly Go

How to get free dice rolls in Monopoly Go
| Monopoly Go

Taking the world by storm in 2023, Monopoly Go, the mobile version of the popular board game, has become a must-play for mobile gaming enthusiasts. Just like in the board game, players will need dice rolls to keep on progressing on their journey to become filthy rich.

Now, there are a handful of ways to get free dice rolls in the game. Some of them may seem quite obvious but others are certainly not. This extensive guide has all the key details on getting these free dice rolls in Monopoly Go so let's dive into them.

Every way to get free dice rolls in Monopoly Go

1) Logging in

Logging in daily to Monopoly Go will give you different rewards, including a few free dice rolls. A completely hassle-free way and you just need to open the game. This is a common theme within mobile titles and it's no different with this one.

2) Inviting your buddies

Simply inviting your friends is also an easy way to get these sweet dice rolls. Through this, both you and your friends will receive thirty of these for free. This can be repeated up to thirty times, which can net you a whopping nine hundred dice rolls. This huge amount can help you a long way in the game and can aid your rise to the top.

3) Waiting for a dice roll

The game will reward players with one dice roll every five minutes. While this may seem boring, this is another way to get free dice rolls without doing any of the work. If you play the game for an hour, you can get up to 12 dice rolls.

Monopoly mascot with a dog rolling dice

4) Increasing Net Worth

By progressing and increasing your net worth through playing the game, you will receive numerous dice rolls as rewards. Completing milestones will give you these dice rolls and other rewards, so be sure to keep playing. 

5) Community Chest Rewards

Games like Monopoly Go are a great way to connect with different players and keep up with friends. And this does have its benefits. Playing with five or more friends will give you the opportunity to get rewards from the Community Chest. The chest may include a variety of rewards, including free dice rolls, although these are rare. Still, you should definitely be playing the game with your friends, and who knows, you might get lucky from Community Chest sometime.

6) Free dice roll links

Free dice roll links are also great ways to get some. The developer Scopely occasionally posts these dice roll links on the official Facebook page. So, be sure to check out those from time to time. Additionally, players will also post free dice roll links in places like the Monopoly Go subreddit

That is everything you need to know about getting free dice rolls in Monopoly Go. The above methods are the easiest ways to bag free dice rolls in the game, which can set you up in your way to become the richest of them all.

Samam Hasan
Samam Hasan
Samam is a freelance writer and journalist covering video games. He specializes in RPGs and racing games while also dabbling in FPS titles. He enjoys playing these types of games in his free time. When he’s not writing about or playing video games, you’ll find him watching classic Japanese and European movies or learning about medieval history.