How Tos

Metria reroll guide - getting your first and best heroes

Metria reroll guide - getting your first and best heroes
| Metria

With an expansive story, varied cast of characters and smooth gameplay to praise for its success, Asobimo Inc.’s Metria has already been capturing the attention of mobile gaming fans. In a post-Genshin world where there are many competing titles, Metria stands surprisingly tall coming from a smaller team. 

With that cast also comes…a gacha mechanic, naturally. And with that comes a variety of characters you both should and shouldn’t be shooting for. But even if you’re not looking to get too into the mechanics, you’ll usually want to get something good on your first try - that’s where rerolling comes in!

How to reroll in Metria

Rerolling is actually pretty simple - since you get free gacha rolls at the beginning of most games with the mechanic. First, be sure not to link your account to an email or your Google account or whatever will preserve your progress…yet.

What you’ll want to do is first finish the tutorial missions that introduce you to the principal characters and take you through a small portion of the game world; blazing through it shouldn’t take you longer than ten or fifteen minutes.

When you reach Begius’ house, you’ll be given your first chance to roll a gacha, with a guaranteed SSR character. Obviously, regardless of the outcome, you should end up with at least one high-tier character for your playthrough. However, herein lies the method…

If you don’t link your account at this point and reset your account, and if you’re unsatisfied with the gacha rolls, you can simply go back through the tutorial and roll again and again until you get a combination that you’re satisfied with.

After that, you can link your account, and enjoy having your progress preserved as you go through the rest of the game!

What you should go for

Obviously, there are a lot of characters to choose from in this initial clutch, like Popodero or Dino. But you should probably concentrate on getting the Solid Aqua Shield version of Begius (which is the one we went with), or at least the regular version of him. Begius will be one of the core characters you have in your party once you get the story moving, and having a more powerful version of him is great for roleplayers and min-maxers alike.

While you’re guaranteed an SSR character on your 11th roll, the rates for the rest are 3% for SSR, 47% for SR and 50 for R. So, if you reroll enough, there is a chance of getting an additional SSR character…but only a slim chance.

Hopefully, even if this is a bit of a roundabout way to do so, this guide will let you get some good picks for your first roll. If you need some more information on how to spend currency for gacha, check out our currency guide here! If Metria's got you hooked, it'll help you get to grips with how to save money and still get the most out of the game.

Iwan Morris
Iwan Morris
Iwan is a Cardiff-based freelance writer, who joined the Pocket Gamer Biz site fresh-faced from University before moving to the editorial team in November of 2023.