How Tos

How to unlock cards in Marvel Snap

The quickest way to get all of the cards!

How to unlock cards in Marvel Snap
| Marvel Snap

Marvel Snap has taken card games to another realm. No, really. With a huge chunk of the MCU’s biggest heroes and villains mashed together in a card game, there is no way you won’t have fun. The unique thing about Marvel Snap is that the majority of the cards offer special abilities that can either help you win, or disrupt your opponent's play.

However, there is still one dilemma that a lot of Marvel ‘Snappers’ have trouble figuring out and that's how to unlock more cards in Marvel Snap. Don’t worry, I made this guide so you know exactly what to do and how to get every card in the game, so let’s go!

How to unlock cards in Marvel Snap?

When you first enter Marvel Snap, you’ll be given a set of random cards (pool one) to begin with, also known as your deck. You can translate your deck as your in-game lineup you have set. You can always swap out for cards that you think are more effective in play. Your chances are more likely than not to receive these cards:

  • Ant-Man
  • Hawkeye
  • Cyclops
  • Quicksilver
  • Misty Knight
  • Squirrel Girl
  • Ka-Zar
  • Rocket Raccoon
  • Mantis

As you progress through the game and win matches, you’ll obtain XP boosts. These boosts raise your rank in the game, allowing you to unlock other cards, profile photos, and new displays for your cards. In other words, you need to keep playing and trust the process of unlocking more cards. Marvel Snap is far from a pay-to-win game and has shown no signs of changing that system any time soon.

The good thing is that matches happen very quickly. I was able to complete and win three matches in under 11 minutes. Before you ask, yes, I timed it. You need to understand that Marvel Snap is designed for everyone to go through the same grind, eventually unlock the same characters and then make the decision of what cards they want in their deck.

You’ll definitely unlock the Marvel Snap cards you want, but it won’t happen in one or two days. Now, time to snap some peoples’ hopes and win some battles!

Jeremy Block
Jeremy Block
As a passionate writer, I am deeply interested in everything related to Star Wars and Marvel. I am drawn to the unique characters, complex storytelling, and epic battles that these franchises offer, and I am constantly seeking out new ways to engage with these universes. When I am not writing, you can often find me grinding away at Pokemon Go, or competing in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes and Marvel Strike Force. With a deep appreciation for gaming, I strive to create content that captivates my readers and offers a meaningful connection to the worlds they love.