Game Reviews

Madden NFL Mobile

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| Madden Mobile
Madden NFL Mobile
| Madden Mobile

Another year, another Madden. And whether or not this year's Madden NFL Mobile is a fumble will depend largely on individual opinions on free-to-play and energy timers. but if nothing else, it's significantly less restrictive than last year.

Kicks off right

After playing through a few of Madden NFL Mobile's tutorials you're free to play any or all of the modes on offer - Season, Live Events, and Head to Head.

Season pits you against specific teams in a set order, Live Events are special limited-time scenarios you can play for extra rewards, and Head to Head pits you against other players in asynchronous matches.

I have to admit, I'm rather fond of the Live Events. They're an effective way to earn bonus stuff, they're always changing, and you can participate at your own pace.

Head to Head is interesting as well, and I like that it doesn't require two players to stop everything and focus on their game for an extended period of time. But having to rely on other players to actually play can sometimes be a bit dull.

Progression is fairly satisfying as you level-up, earn more plays for your playbook, and purchase new packs of player cards. Changing out the riffraff is quite satisfying, and you can alway sell or auction off anybody you don't want.

I imagine Live Auctions might become a game in and of themselves for many players.

Still bench-warming

However while Madden NFL Mobile is a lot less restrictive than last year's release, it does have an energy meter that will run out. And of course you'll have to wait for it to fill up so you can play some more.

It's not the worst I've seen as the meter does get bigger when you level-up, and it's possible to play full games in the season for a reasonable cost. But you will run out and have to wait eventually.

Madden NFL Mobile has come a long way, but it feels like it could still go a bit further. It's absolutely worth a look if you're a fan, but it's probably not going to rock your world.

Madden NFL Mobile

Its free to play system might but some off, but Madden NFL Mobile is a step up from last year's effort
Rob Rich
Rob Rich
Rob Rich is the editor of