
Google I/O 2016: Allo is an upcoming messenger with integrated Google search

That's Google Assistant, to you

Google I/O 2016: Allo is an upcoming messenger with integrated Google search

Google announced a brand new messaging app at today's Google I/O which includes a handy integrated search function.

Allo is the name of that messenger, and it has the also announced Google Assistant built right into it. That means you can ask Google questions on the fly while chatting to someone.

That might not seem like a big deal at first glance, but isn't it a little bit of a pain that you have to leave WhatsApp to look up that big word your friend just used? They know you're doing it as well. So it's pain and embarrassment all round.

Not so with Allo, which lets you ask Google what that word means right there and then so you can look like an intellectual superstar and stun all of your friends.

Besides that, Google will also pull up some handy buttons that let you call, check opening times, or reserve a seat at your local cinema if you planned on seeing that new Marvel film.

Google loves its suggestions, you see. And that extends to chatting itself. It will now suggest responses based on what you're talking about in the messenger. Slightly creepy, yes. But still, will save time.

Allo will launch in the vague window of 'later this year' on iOS and Android. So I guess we'll have to wait and see if it can dethrone WhatsApp or Snapchat.

Chris James
Chris James
A footy game fanatic and experienced editor of numerous computing and game titles, lively Chris is up for anything - including running Steel Media! (Madman!)