
Girls Frontline introduces a bunch of new events, including cosmetic additions and capturable unit

Girls Frontline introduces a bunch of new events, including cosmetic additions and capturable unit
| Girls Frontline

As of July 25th, a bunch of new events and purchasable item bundles have become available within the popular strategy gacha RPG Girls Frontline. There’s a lot to go over here, so we’ll only brush past most of the new real-money bundles available, but there’s also a new batch of costumes that will become available within the Re-supply store, so fans of certain Dolls will be quite excited!

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Girls Frontline is a bit of an oddball in its success. While other gacha games like Star Rail or Genshin Impact have blown up and stayed massively consistent, Girls Frontline has maintained service and new content drops on a near monthly basis despite being several years old at this point. To this very day, the older veteran of the gacha sphere continues to add story content, new units, and much more!

And now, we’ve got some fresh new additions to the game in terms of content too! To begin with, a fair number of costumes will be added to the Re-supply store. Entitled “Sunshine and Blue Waves”, this batch of cosmetics revolves around Summertime and tropical vibes. The dolls that will get these additions are LTLX7000, DP-12, Px4, UKM-2000, and PPK, so if any of those are your favourite, you’re in for a treat!

Next, we have a new capturable 3-star unit Architect - NVW Model, who you’ll be able to grab within the SPzh3000 Naval Warfare Platform stage.

Then, we have the new Veteran Callback Event, which will hand out a bunch of free rewards to returning players over level 15 and who haven’t logged in since before July 11th of this year.

Finally, we have a large assortment of consumable bundles, which can be bought with real money within the store. There’s a bit too much to go over here, so check out the Tweet featured above for a deeper dive into that.

Phew! Lots to dig into with this one. If you want to get those sweet Callback rewards, check out Girls Frontline for free at either of the links below!

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Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.