
Kickstart this: Combo Queen is a stylish action-RPG that turns taps into impressive combos

Beware, cowards

Kickstart this: Combo Queen is a stylish action-RPG that turns taps into impressive combos
| Combo Queen

Combo Queen is about a psychotic killer called Queen who takes on thousands of monsters, just because she can.

It's also a smart-looking hack-and-slack action RPG designed specifically for the touchscreen.

This is most evident in its attack and parry system. When standing toe-to-toe with a giant warrior, you tap at the right time with a single to make Queen attack.

When her enemy makes an attack, you need to react fast to tap with two fingers so that she performs a successful parry. It's a pretty swish and certainly accessible combat system.

Even better, with each successful parry, your combo meter will rise. Once it hits the top, you can trigger a very dramatic combo chain that will have you tapping the screen as fast as possible.

On the other hand, if you mess up and don't land those parries then you'll be heavily punished.

You see, while Queen is skimpily dressed, the inadequacy of clothes for violent combat is, at least, reflected in the game. She's aggressive but fragile - it just takes one hit for her to be killed.

That said, as you progress, you'll be able to upgrade her and outfit her with new gear so that she can take a couple more blows before death.

Combo Queen is currently up on Kickstarter where its creators are hoping to secure $5,000 in funding for the game.

This will go towards finishing it off in preparation for a release on iOS and Android in December 2014.

You can get an iOS copy of the game for $10, but they're limited to 1000 so they won't last forever.

Chris Priestman
Chris Priestman
Anything eccentric, macabre, or just plain weird, is what Chris is all about. He turns the spotlight on the games that fly under the radar.