
Pocket Gamer's board game retrospective - Chainsaw Warrior

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Pocket Gamer's board game retrospective - Chainsaw Warrior
| Chainsaw Warrior

Today we're going to look at another board game adaptation that's designed to be played on your own. It's based on a classic Games Workshop game from the 80's, and it involves slaughtering mutants with a chainsaw.

I mean, you could probably guess some of that from the game's name - Chainsaw Warrior. But if you're expecting a powertool-swinging walk in the park you're going to be out of luck, because this is a super challenging experience.

There's more than a smattering of the gamebook here. You roll dice to build your character, roll more dice to get in fights, and pull cards out of a deck to see what horrible thing is going to happen to you next.

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Imagine a roguelike, but with cards and dice, and you're some of the way there. Trust me, this is the sort of game where you're going to get slaughtered. A lot.

But that's part of the charm, in a way. And it makes getting to the end of the game feel like a real achievement. It's no mean feat to save future past New York, and when you manage it you'll feel pretty special.

Just be ready to put a lot of work into getting there. This isn't a game to play on the bus, it's a game to play sat on your sofa surrounded by cushions to scream into when things go wrong.

Harry Slater
Harry Slater
Harry used to be really good at Snake on the Nokia 5110. Apparently though, digital snake wrangling isn't a proper job, so now he writes words about games instead.