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Board Soccer, the tabletop inspired sports game, is now available for iOS and Android

Board Soccer, the tabletop inspired sports game, is now available for iOS and Android
| Board Soccer

Indie developer Bachey has announced the release of its newest sports game, Board Soccer. Harking back to the days of retro style tabletop football games, Board Soccer has you take control of your plastic players to bounce the ball down the field and try to plink it past your opponent’s goalie.

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The tabletop aspect of the game sees your players fixed in place with springs, only able to move the ball with a drag back mechanic, with the force of your drag determining how far the ball goes. Pits around the player will cause the ball to fall to them when it comes near them, so if you pass too close to the opponent you may lose possesion, however if you aim well enough you can use the drag to make some fantastic curving passes and shots. You can’t take too long aiming however, as any player that holds the ball too long will get booked.

One of the big mechanics in the game are the epic tokens. When passed through with the ball, these tokens will let you enter epic mode, which will slow down the opposing goalie to make it easier to score past them. Currently, players can take part in quick match play mode against the AI, or a local PvP mode, and you can also look forward to tournament and penalty kick modes which are set to be added in a future update.

There are a few more updates planned in the near future in addition to the above. A team customizer will let you add custom teams to the game, with different formations giving you the chance to try new tactics on the pitch. New power-ups are also being planned, as well as specialized pitches with their own hazards to contend with.

If you’d like to test your skills on the board then you can find Board Soccer is available right now for free from the App Store and Google Play.