
Angry Birds Android pushed to next week, Hero won’t be supported

Rovio’s been-a-twittering again

Angry Birds Android pushed to next week, Hero won’t be supported
| Angry Birds

Rovio has revealed that the Android release of Angry Birds is being pushed back to next week.

Ever the active Twitterers, the company tweeted the following bittersweet news: “Good and bad news. Full version of Android pushed to next week." The good news? "We are adding proper support for Android multitasking.”

S'pose that's good news. More levels would be better though. Hmph.

Sulking aside, considering the repeated delays and two (count ‘em) beta versions, could this be the most crazily thorough iPhone port yet? We think so.

Scanning our eyes over the company’s Twitter feed, we also note that the company has finally put an end to its efforts to get the game running on the faithful old Hero handset.

The posting reads: “will not be supporting the Hero, the frame rate is really bad. Sorry.”

That’s okay Rovio. Just don’t be late again.

Jon Mundy
Jon Mundy
Jon is a consummate expert in adventure, action, and sports games. Which is just as well, as in real life he's timid, lazy, and unfit. It's amazing how these things even themselves out.