
Abduct colourful collection of platform mini-games Alien Hominid: PDA Games from the App Store tomorrow for free

Close encounters of the absurd kind

Abduct colourful collection of platform mini-games Alien Hominid: PDA Games from the App Store tomorrow for free

Castle Crashers developer Behemoth is bringing the PDA mini-games from its cult hit Alien Hominid to iOS.

The original Alien Hominid put you in the bright yellow skin of an irate extra-terrestrial, who had to use a ray gun to murder-death-kill his way through wave-upon-wave of FBI agents.

Written for Flash, the colourful alien blaster became so successful that it received a full release on PlayStation 2 and Xbox, with an HD version eventually appearing on XBLA.

The PDA mini-games bundled with Alien Hominid became popular in their own right, offering simple, retro platforming fun with multiplayer support.

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Behemoth has revealed that an iOS port of these mini-games will be arriving in the App Store in freemium form.

Downloading the Alien Hominid: PDA Games app will let you try out 15 levels for free. If you want to unlock the remaining 500+ levels, you will have to cough up 69p / 99c for the privilege.

Running at 60 frames per second and boasting 23 new achievements, HD visuals, and a pause menu replay function, Alien Hominid: PDA Games will invade the App Store on December 9th.

James Gilmour
James Gilmour
James pivoted to video so hard that he permanently damaged his spine, which now doubles as a Cronenbergian mic stand. If the pictures are moving, he's the one to blame.