
Footage of Age of Heroes IV: Blood and Twilight for mobile emerges

Those orcs and elves just can't seem to get along

Footage of Age of Heroes IV: Blood and Twilight for mobile emerges

If there is one universal truth about the world of video games, it's that an orc would not spit on an elf if it was on fire and, similarly, an elf would rather sleep on stinging nettles than hang out with an orc.

In short, they hate one another.

Fantasy games tend to have an extremely involved plot based around this time honored mutual dislike and much like its predecessor, Age of Heroes IV: Blood and Twilight spins a convoluted yarn to set the scene for its turn-based strategy/RPG action.

"There are immortal legends and stories – but heroes are mortal," begins the press release. "Death always tells, and only bones of great armies will remain on the battlefields, and the tombs of great lords will be covered with weed. All are equal in the end, killers will join their victims, and lions will lie near the lambs."


So, on this occasion an army of undead is thrown into the mix for good measure. But there are plenty of other changes, too.

The game appears to have undergone a considerable overhaul with the addition of new races to play as, each with unique abilities and special characteristics. There is also the option to choose the sex and class of your chosen hero; a must for any self-respecting RPG these days.

Meanwhile, magic is set to play a much bigger role than in the previous game and you're able to take an enemy's troops under control, as well as make your own troops invisible. But what we're most pleased to hear about is that the interface has undergone a much needed evolution and an interactive cursor has been added.

Time will tell if it's enough to improve upon the sticky combat of the last Age of Heroes game, but with these changes and a serious brush up of the visuals it's clear this instalment is more than a hastily churned out sequel, and Qplaze has clearly made an effort to right the wrongs of the previous iteration.

If you don't believe us, just check out the video below:

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