
8 Nintendo 3DS games we want to see announced in tomorrow's Nintendo Direct

From east to west

8 Nintendo 3DS games we want to see announced in tomorrow's Nintendo Direct

Nintendo's got a new Direct thingy coming up tomorrow. And this time it's all about the 3DS.

Now, Nintendo could talk about a bunch of games we already know about. More Pokemon Sun and Moon chatter. A reminder that new Ace Attorney and Metroid games are almost here. A look forward to Sonic Boom: Ice & Fire and Mario Party Star Rush.

But that'd hardly fill up a whole show. So we should brace our butts for announcements. And instead of making random predictions (Undertale! A Mario game set in a garden centre! F-Zero GX port!), we thought it might make more sense to look to the east…

Japan, specifically, where a number of awesome games are locked away from us western players and our inability to understand any Japanese word other than konichiwa. Here are X games we hope get announced for localisation in Nintendo's Direct tomorrow.

Monster Hunter Stories
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A kid-friendly spin-off game, that's way more cute than your average MoHun adventure. This one's more of a classic JRPG with turn-based battles where you fight with both weapons and monsters. The game's got a tie-in anime series and even a line of amiibo figures.

Dragon Ball Fusions
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Here's one to send Dragon Ball nerds into a tizzy. It's a mad RPG where characters from across the entire DBZ universe can bend time and space (and cheat death) to come together and fight or fuse. That means you can make fusions between characters in entirely different eras, like Piccolo x Krillin (Prillian) and Broly and Goku (Karoly)

Etrian Odyssey V
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Another hardcore dungeon-crawler from Atlus. It's pretty much the same as all the other ones - you stumble about complicated labyrinths, drawing a map on the touchscreen as you go. This fifth game adds new races and classes, character customisation, mini events in dungeons, and new monsters.

Picross 3D 2
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Picross is a super fun puzzle game about logic, numbers, and revealing cute pixel art pictures of ducks. It's just as good in 3D, as seen in the DS game Picross 3D. Japanese gamers got a sequel but we've yet to get an English version. Nintendo has rated the game in Germany, though

Great Detective Pikachu
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Uh. Let me explain. Pikachu is a detective, he wears a Sherlock Holmes-style hat, and solves crimes by interviewing Pokemon witnesses. Japanese players say it's not too long or challenging, but a fun Pokemon spin-off nonetheless. There's no word on us getting the game but we ARE getting a live-action film based on the series. Which is like, wait what?

River City: Tokyo Rumble
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This one's actually coming to the States. We just need a release date and confirmation of a European release. This is the latest game in the River City Ransom series which has been going on for years in Japan - there are already five 3DS games in the franchise! It's another brawler and even has the cheeky 2D graphics from the original game.

Monster Strike 3DS
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Monster Strike is one of the most successful mobile games in Japan, overtaking Puzzle & Dragons as Japan's highest-grossing mobile app back in 2014. The app's not as big over here, but maybe this RPG for Nintendo 3DS would fare better. It's got the same pull-and-strike battle system as the smartphone game but also comes wth a full on story that I'm sure is not terrible or anything.

Mother 3
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Come on Nintendo. It's time.

Mark Brown
Mark Brown
Mark Brown spent several years slaving away at the Steel Media furnace, finally serving as editor at large of Pocket Gamer before moving on to doing some sort of youtube thing.