
Fast-paced platformer remake Antipole DX will let you flip gravity on 3DS soon

Gravity surfing

Fast-paced platformer remake Antipole DX will let you flip gravity on 3DS soon
| Antipole DX

Saturnine Games is remaking its 2011 fast-paced 2D platformer Antipole for 3DS and Wii U under the title Antipole DX.

It has completely new graphics and music, extra levels, online leaderboards, and Miiverse integration. The 3DS version will support stereoscopic 3D too.

Other than that, it'll pretty much be the same game that was released back in 2011 on DSiWare, Xbox Live Indie Games, and PC.

It has you playing as a person moving through a particularly dangerous machine facility. Luckily, they have the ability to flip gravity at the push of a button.

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You can use this ability to have them essentially hover through the air (flipping gravity really fast) as well as return rockets to the machines that fired them.

You can see how it all works in the energetic trailer above.

As to when we can expect Antipole DX to drop, well, all we know is it will be later this year. We do know that it will have unlockable Miiverse stamps, though. Hopefully that makes up for it.

Chris Priestman
Chris Priestman
Anything eccentric, macabre, or just plain weird, is what Chris is all about. He turns the spotlight on the games that fly under the radar.