
Xbox Live management app 360 Live out now on iPhone

It'll set you back £1.19 (for now)

Xbox Live management app 360 Live out now on iPhone

Anyone who owns an Xbox 360 console and uses it to play games online will know what an enhancement the service can be to your gaming time.

Even when minding your own business on a single player game, or watching a DVD, it’s always nice to see a message cropping up when your best mate boots their console up.

360 Live is a new app on the App Store that lets you monitor and manage your Xbox Live account from the comfort of your iPhone. With it you can sign in, see who’s online and make adjustments such as approving friend requests.

You can also check out achievements both of the locked and unlocked variety, and nosey sods can look into their friends’ gaming history.

The app costs £1.19 at present, but that may well change in the near future thanks to a little ruling Microsoft made last year. Their position is that any apps pertaining to Xbox Live must be free of charge, so you may want to hold onto your wallets. If you’re tight.

Jon Mundy
Jon Mundy
Jon is a consummate expert in adventure, action, and sports games. Which is just as well, as in real life he's timid, lazy, and unfit. It's amazing how these things even themselves out.