New Releases

Qwert is a stylish-looking word puzzler that's now available for iOS and Android

Qwert is a stylish-looking word puzzler that's now available for iOS and Android
| Qwert

It seems it's a great time to be a fan of word games. Following in the wake of Addagrams a few weeks ago, a new entry to the genre has arrived for iOS and Android. It's called Qwert and comes from indie developer Karate Possum Games.

As with any word game worth its salt, Qwert tests your vocabulary by creating as many words as possible based on various starting prompts. The game encourages you to push your creativity as far as possible if you want to chase after the highest scores.

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Qwert offers several modes that cater to solo and multiplayer tastes. In Time Attack - as you've probably guessed – speed is key as you try to beat your opponent to typing in that word. In Wordplay, the aim is to think of as many high-scoring words as possible in each round based on a prompt.

If multiplayer isn't your speed, then Splat might be of interest. In this solo mode, you must eliminate a swarm of irritating, letter-carrying flies by finding words in the chaos. You earn points for every word you discover, with an extra 15 seconds awarded for successfully clearing the screen of those pesky bugs.

As you can see from the trailer above, Karate Possum Games has put a lot of effort into Qwert's aesthetics, both visually and orally, by leaning on history. The art style looks delightfully old, and you'll hear the clacking of a typewriter as you enter your word.

For some, that'll undoubtedly bring back some nostalgic memories. For me, the clicking of typewriter keys will always remind me of Alan Wake. Probably not the developers' intention, but it's not a bad thing in my book. Oh, and there's also a dedicated horn button. I don't know why it's there. Although I'm certainly not going to question it.

Qwert is available on the App Store and Google Play as a free-to-play game with in-app purchases. You can download it for your preferred platform using the links below.

Qwert icon
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Stephen Gregson-Wood
Stephen Gregson-Wood
Stephen brings both a love of games and a very formal-sounding journalism qualification to the Pocket Gamer team.