
QuizQuizQuiz shows off new update tweaks with Xmas freebie

More customisation options included

QuizQuizQuiz shows off new update tweaks with Xmas freebie
| QuizQuizQuiz

As with many things in the life, getting a quiz game right is less about the actuality - in this case the questions and answers - as the surrounding framework - i.e. categories and flow through the game.

So while I quite enjoyed Four Door Lemon's iPhone game QuizQuizQuiz, which was released in October, I wasn't so sure it made the best use of its attractions.

Still, it seems I'll need to take a fresh look when its new update goes live as it brings some new tweaks into play.

Key among these are improved category selection so you have more control, either in terms of choosing categories you want to improve your knowledge of or ones you want to avoid. And you can toggle the option to see the correct answer when you get one wrong.

The time you have to answer questions has been increased for less stressful play, too, while the game engine has been given an overhaul and new achievements added.

Of course, the basic thing that everyone requires in an update is more content, so the question sets - arranged by country (UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Italy, Spain) will all receive new content.

And making sure the update doesn't impact on current players, the scoring system has been adjusted to ensure the changes don't upset the integrity of the current global leaderboards.

But while we're waiting around for the submitted update to go live, we can get a taste of how it all works thanks to the free festively themed Christmas version of the game that's just gone live [App Store link].

Alternatively, you can get QuizQuizQuiz priced $1.99, €1.59 or £1.19 by hitting the App Store button.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.