
Pokemon Sleep reveals exactly how the sleep tracking lifestyle app will work in a new trailer

Pokemon Sleep reveals exactly how the sleep tracking lifestyle app will work in a new trailer
| Pokémon Sleep

The legendary Pokemon franchise has revealed the first trailer for its sleep tracker quasi-game application Pokemon Sleep. Pokemon Sleep takes the act of, well, sleeping to the next level by giving you the motivation to rest up more with the promise of cute little Pokemon gathering around. The better you sleep, the more likely you are to get lots of new friends and even rarer Pokemon to show up!

Pokemon Sleep revolves around a singular Snorlax, the classic sleepy big guy. A professor finds one in the wild and decides to study his sleep. This is where you come in, and I mean you the person, not a player character.

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See, depending on your sleep and various different trackers such as time slept, movement during sleep, and things like that, the app will categorize your sleep in one of three different sleep types. Either dozing, snoozing, or slumbering. Each refers to a different level of sleep, from lighter naps to deep nightly rests.

Depending on how you sleep, different Pokemon who sleep in a similar way to you will begin showing up and snoozing alongside Snorlax in the app. The hope is that this will motivate you to sleep better and care more about your rest so you can try to collect each and every Pokemon available!

Along with this, the app also features data on each sleep you take, making note of noises or restlessness, that sort of thing that is usually measured within sleep tracker apps. But with the motivation to collect your favourite Pokemon, there’s plenty of reason to try to make sure you get some good sleep!

Pokemon Sleep may be simple, but it’s these cute sorts of motivational lifestyle apps that I always find myself drawn to, so I’m actually rather excited to check it out. Come Summer of this year, we’ll all have the opportunity to give Pokemon Sleep a go when it finally releases!

Looking for other relaxation-based games in your pocket? Why not check out our Top 15 best relaxing games for iOS?!
Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.