
Free art app Paint Park arrives on Vita today; Treasure Park and Wake-Up Call due this summer

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Free art app Paint Park arrives on Vita today; Treasure Park and Wake-Up Call due this summer
| Paint Park

PS Vita art app Paint Park - one of three new free SCEE titles announced for the platform - has daubed its name onto the PlayStation Store listings today.

Paint Park transforms your portable powerhouse into a digital sketchpad, utilising the Vita's touchscreen to let you doodle away to your heart's content.

You can also get the handheld's cameras involved by taking photos on the Vita and adding a little artistic flair to them afterwards.

Furthermore, Paint Park includes a multiplayer mode, which lets you compete online with up to five people, and share your miniature masterpieces via the interweb.

Set your alarm

SCEE is also planning to release its two other new free titles for the Vita sometime this summer. The first of these is a puzzle creation tool called Treasure Park, which allows users to generate and share brainteasers with other Vita owners.

The second of these upcoming gratis offerings is Wake-Up Club, an interactive alarm clock which "can sync up with other PS Vita users who set their alarm for the same time".

Um... 'kay.

Paint Park is available for download from the PlayStation Store from today.

EU PlayStation Blog
James Gilmour
James Gilmour
James pivoted to video so hard that he permanently damaged his spine, which now doubles as a Cronenbergian mic stand. If the pictures are moving, he's the one to blame.