
Your first look at Paradise Bay: an even more relaxing take on FarmVille

Bringing back a classic mobile genre

Your first look at Paradise Bay: an even more relaxing take on FarmVille
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In my video I note that FarmVille-esque games used to be absolutely everywhere on the App Store, but that they've slowly died away. It looks like Paradise Bay is going to try and bring back the genre, at least it is from what I've played of the soft-launched version.

The free-to-play farmer, set on a lush and chill tropical island feels very relaxing to play, but from what I've seen so far it's not massively different from the games that came before, so if you're after something fresh you may be out of luck.

If not then you'll be well served by Paradise Bay when it's released globally some time in 2015.

Peter Willington
Peter Willington
Die hard Suda 51 fan and professed Cherry Coke addict, freelancer Peter Willington was initially set for a career in showbiz, training for half a decade to walk the boards. Realising that there's no money in acting, he decided instead to make his fortune in writing about video games. Peter never learns from his mistakes.