
New jobs, pet rewards, and a Discotheque in future Pixel People updates

Building better worlds

New jobs, pet rewards, and a Discotheque in future Pixel People updates
| Pixel People

In an email exchange with IGN, Pixel People developer LambdaMu Games revealed that future updates to its city builder-cum-clone manufacturing game will include "regular" job types, animal collection rewards, and a Discotheque.

According to the dev, we can look forward to stumbling across more unusual DNA-splicing opportunities, including the infamous "green splice".

Something to do with frogs, we'd wager. Like Jurassic Park's Dr Malcolm once said: "life finds a way."

A greater selection of "normal" jobs is also on its way to Utopia, with some due to appear in a mini-update to Pixel People this very week.

Fresh matter

In addition to introducing fresh professions, LambdaMu will add some new buildings to Pixel People's planning permission folder, including a Ballpark, a Pizzeria, and a Discotheque.

LambdaMu also hinted at plans to allow players to "balance" new properties on Astroglass. Sounds dangerous. We like it.

While this week's Pixel People update will include some new professions, we'll have to wait for future refreshes to test out the majority of these planned additions.

In the meantime, the dev recommends we complete our animal collections in preparation for incoming pet-based rewards.

If you want some assistance building your perfect Utopia, by the way, do have a look at our comprehensive Pixel People guide, which contains handy tips straight from the developer's lips.

James Gilmour
James Gilmour
James pivoted to video so hard that he permanently damaged his spine, which now doubles as a Cronenbergian mic stand. If the pictures are moving, he's the one to blame.