Lemmings Tribes flings itself onto mobile

Looking good for a safe landing

Lemmings Tribes flings itself onto mobile
| Lemmings Tribes

1991: the year of the first Gulf War, the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the release of the very first web browser. But never mind all that - of even more importance was the release of a little video game called Lemmings.

The series went on to steal the hearts (not to mention spare time) of gamers, with its unique blend of cute characters and fiendish level design. It really is one of the landmark franchises of the industry.

Now the dopey little critters are back and on your mobile in Lemmings Tribes. The core principle is as deceptively simple as ever: save as many lemmings as you can within a set time limit, utilising each creature’s specific skill.

Left to their own devices, these lemmings will wander off on their own and - as you might expect from the species - throw themselves off the nearest cliff or into a grisly trap. It'll take keen multi-tasking skills to guide them to safety.

As the title suggests, these lemmings come from three separate tribes, lending the game an added dose of scope and depth. As well as the Classic Lemmings, you’ll have access to the Space Lemmings and Mediaeval Lemmings, each tribe in possession of a range of unique abilities.

If you’re feeling nostalgic for the good old days, or just fancy something a bit different (there’s still nothing like Lemmings) this might just turn out to be the mobile game for you.

Click here to download Lemmings Tribes
Jon Mundy
Jon Mundy
Jon is a consummate expert in adventure, action, and sports games. Which is just as well, as in real life he's timid, lazy, and unfit. It's amazing how these things even themselves out.