
Avatar iPhone game gets official trailer and release date

You'll be able to play the game while standing in line at the cinema

Avatar iPhone game gets official trailer and release date

There aren't many films that lend themselves to decent game conversions, and those that do somehow still manage to suck so hard they could pull a cricket ball through a garden hose.

James Cameron's sci-fi extravaganza looks like it might be one of those rare instances of a decent film tie-in, however.

The story is based around space marines living vicariously though the indigenous population of an alien planet via a telepathic link. The iPhone game, however, is a prequel to the big screen tale, as Jon found out when he stopped by Gameloft's studios for a go on Avatar back in August.

"When not engaging in fisticuffs, we found ourselves negotiating some vertiginous floating-platform sections, clambering up vine-covered walls and sliding down giant twisting, gnarled roots. What impressed most at this early stage was how each disparate element blended fairly seamlessly to form a nicely varied whole."

The first official gameplay trailer has just gone live, showing the 3D adventure title in full action. It's also been given a release date of December 15th - a couple of days before the box office launch of the movie (which is on or around December 17th, depending where you live).

Check it out, and as always, give you thoughts in the comments.

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Spanner Spencer
Spanner Spencer
Yes. Spanner's his real name, and he's already heard that joke you just thought of. Although Spanner's not very good, he's quite fast, and that seems to be enough to keep him in a regular supply of free games and away from the depressing world of real work.