
Time for a PSP spring clean while DS goes Ka-boom

Our regular homebrew round-up highlights the dangers of all play and no work

Time for a PSP spring clean while DS goes Ka-boom

Here we are, back again with more bru goodies to keep you entertained through the fresh spring months. I've had another trawl through the homebrew community and discovered a couple of new tips that will hopefully appeal.

Not that I've ever doubted it, but occasionally it's worth remembering that a week is a long time in the life of a homebrew game. Since my last article I've discovered a graphically updated and online enabled version of Minesweeper. And while last week's pick did the basics really well, Ka-Boom really knocks the concept right out the park. As you can see from the screenshots on the developer site, considerable time has been spent getting the art style just right.

You'll also notice that it is largely in French. But don't worry, mes amis, as the game itself is in English. As the game saves your high-scores on your DS you will need to run through the usual DLDI patching routine before copying it across to your homebrew cart. Once you have done that you should have no problem running it from your root folder.

In addition to the local high-scores, Ka-Boom also gives you the option of posting your best times to the internet. A page has been set up here to record these world-worthy achievements. Be warned though, competition is tough. Even with three or four hours' practice I still struggled to get my name anywhere near the top. That obviously doesn't detract from the fact it's a great feature that adds a genuine element of longevity (and dangerous compulsion) as you try and beat the player above you.

Back on my PSP I've actually been on the lookout for an application to help me tidy my Memory Stick folders. What with all the comings and goings from these homebrew files, things had deteriorated into a bit of a mess. What better way to clean up the chaos caused by my PSP homebrewing than with another homebrew application, then?

PSP Filer has been around for some time and as you can tell from the link it originates in Japan. It's a very a powerful (but easy to use) file management tool designed ground up for Sony's handheld. It enables you to edit, copy, delete, and transfer files on the Memory Stick and flash memory.

The developer, Mediumgauge has been improving both functionality and language support over the last few months. The most recent release even boasts support for Greek. Of no use to us English-locked serfs, but might be to you, of course.

Once you have downloaded the files here you simple need to copy it to the following locations, and away you go:

  • Firmware 1.0: copy filer folder into ms0:/psp/game/
  • Firmware 1.5: split filer folder using freeware (e.g. ExportPBP) and copy those two folders into ms0:/psp/game/
  • Custom firmware: copy filer folder into ms0:/psp/game150/ and create ms0:/psp/game/ folder
  • Firmware 3.XX: copy kernel3 folder into ms0:/psp/game/

So there we have it for another week; another selection of great homebrew wares to complement your commercial purchases. Join us again in seven days' time for more news on all things homebrew.