
Ojom unveils Dynamite new football game

And it's professional too...

Ojom unveils Dynamite new football game

...which would be why it's called Dynamite Pro Football, then. Ojom's newie is the follow-up to last year's Manager Pro World Championship Edition 2006, albeit focusing purely on playing this time, rather than management.

The new game is still based on international football though, giving you the chance to play full 11-a-side matches against teams ranging from Brazil to Trinidad & Tobago.

Sadly, it's still not got an official licence, so the player names will be slightly different from real life. Good old Buckham and Lambard...

On a brighter note, Ojom says Dynamite Pro Football will have an accessible control system that'll make it easy to pick up and play, along with a training mode to practice your free kicks and dribbling.

The game is based around a 'World Cup style' tournament, so you can right the wrongs of last summer (that is, by scoring some penalties). It's due out soon.

Stuart Dredge
Stuart Dredge
Stuart is a freelance journalist and blogger who's been getting paid to write stuff since 1998. In that time, he's focused on topics ranging from Sega's Dreamcast console to robots. That's what you call versatility. (Or a short attention span.)