
Cosmo Kid bounces high onto the App Store

Doodle Jump has a new rival

Cosmo Kid bounces high onto the App Store

I'm quite a fan of Doodle Jump games (Flaboo!'s good too).

And one of my favourite games of 2010, so far, is Parachute Ninja - a game where you ping a bouncy character around platformer levels whenever he lands on an elastic string.

Sort of combining both mechanics is Cosmo Kid; a game designed by occasional Pocket Gamer writer Olly Farsi, and developed by new UK studio Pear Comp.

In looks, it's like Doodle Jump as you bounce up the kid up a fixed screen width world. The higher you go so you'll get to experience different art-themed levels such as Wooden planet and Hot Dog world.

The Parachute Ninja bit of the game comes because you have to draw a line on the screen which the cosmo kid pings off of to bounce higher and higher into the sky. If you draw the line in the wrong place and he misses it, it's game over.

Bouncing through space

Simple fun for sure, but it's the tactile pleasure of playing such games that appeals, while in the case of Cosmo Kid, the higher you get, the more opportunity you have to collect power ups, which you do by colliding with different coloured flower faces.

Other items you come into contact with will also speed your flight. For example, when you're in space, the greyish flower faces act as gravity accelerators, slingshotting cosmo kid higher still.

There's the option to Twitter and Facebook your achieved height, and global and local leaderboards are supported.

You can see how it works in the following video.

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Cosmo Kid is out now, priced 99c, €0.79 or 59p. Expect our review soon.
Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.