
Glu releases Batman: Guardian of Gotham onto mobile

First person bataranger

Glu releases Batman: Guardian of Gotham onto mobile

Glu has released a new mobile game starring everyone’s favourite borderline psychotic vigilante, Batman.

Batman: Guardian of Gotham eschews the action-platformer gameplay most commonly associated with comic book tie-ins. Rather, it takes the form of a static first-person shooter of sorts, with Bats playing Duck Hunt with a variety of goons.

And no, the caped crusader hasn’t betrayed his ‘no guns’ policy – he just has an endless supply of his beloved batarangs to hand.

This leads to a unique feature of the game, as you can take multiple targets out with a single batarang through careful timing.

Those itching for a glimpse of the main man can rest easy in the knowledge that you can nip in to restrain stunned enemies, though you’ll have to time it carefully as it requires a prolonged button hold.

We’ll have a review for you soon.

Jon Mundy
Jon Mundy
Jon is a consummate expert in adventure, action, and sports games. Which is just as well, as in real life he's timid, lazy, and unfit. It's amazing how these things even themselves out.