
Jagex shoots for iPhone with shmup Star Cannon

Latest from the FunOrb portal

Jagex shoots for iPhone with shmup Star Cannon
| Star Cannon

It's apparently made £38 million in the past 12 months from web online game Runescape, but UK company Jagex is also experimenting with iPhone games.

Its debut BounceDown came out in late 2009, and thanks to Jagex's massive community topped the free game charts with over four million downloads.

Now it's released Star Cannon, a vertical shoot-'em-up in the mould of Xevious.

Actually, like BounceDown, Star Cannon comes from Jagex's online FunOrb portal for browser games that's been converted to iPhone and iPod touch.

You take control of spaceship, wiping out continual waves of invaders, while collecting weapons power-ups along the way to try and beat your high score.

Ensuring the right balance of difficulty, you have a regenerating shield that gives you protection from one collision and the recharges over the following seconds.

You can check out the online browser version here.

Or head to the App Store. Star Cannon is out now, priced for an introductory period at 99c, €0.79, or 59p.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.