
Gameloft bringing military FPS Modern Combat: Sandstorm to iPhone

Phonecall of duty

Gameloft bringing military FPS Modern Combat: Sandstorm to iPhone

Gameloft has been responsible for some fine, original games. But it’s also been responsible for a great many fine, derivative games, the most recent of which is the ludicrously promising Gangstar: West Coast Hustle.

If that game is GTA for the iPhone, then Modern Combat: Sandstorm is Call of Duty, and it’s arriving just as the hype for Modern Warfare 2 on home consoles is hotting up and in the wake of yesterday’s announcement that Call of Duty: Mobilised is coming to DS. Very canny.

Gameloft announced Modern Combat today with a brief Twitter post linking to a YouTube video (below). It’s a slick-looking game complete with what looks like a solid control scheme, though it’s far too early to say whether it’ll be any good.

There are no further details at the moment, but we’ve fired across an email and we’ll be sure to let you know what news emerges.

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Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.