
GL Golf game tees off onto App Store

Having already played several rounds on the Mac

GL Golf game tees off onto App Store
| GL Golf

There have been relatively few golf games on the App Store so far, presumably because they're not as easy to knock together as match-three puzzlers and sudoku. Nuclear Nova Software has made the effort, though, bringing us the not-very-interestingly-named GL Golf.

It appears to be the developer's first attempt at an iPhone game, but GL Golf has been available to Mac users since all the way back in 2003, since which time it has seen a massive 45 updates. It'll be right at home on the App Store, then.

You can play against up to three opponents, and there are five courses to stroll around, replete with all the features you'd expect to find in such a game: water hazards, bunkers, and the like.

If you're familiar with the game and you own an iPhone, chances are you're immensely gratified to see it appearing on the App Store. If not, we can only say that it's had plenty of time to get its act together and looks pretty decent. That's our initial impression, anyway.

Click 'Track It!' to find out whether we're right.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.