
As APPL stock hits $258, why not tweak the forecasts yourself and work out how far it could go?

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As APPL stock hits $258, why not tweak the forecasts yourself and work out how far it could go?
| Apple financial news

With Apple stock at an all-time high, thanks to its stellar Q2 2010 figures, maybe it's time for you to become an analyst and calculate how high the company's share price could go.

There's an easy way to do it too.

Wisdom of crowds-inspired website - or as it's self-styled - 'meaningful financial community' - Tretis provides some neat gizmos so you can play around with future hardware sales and margins etc and automatically calculate your own APPL target share price.

Up, up and Apple

At the moment, Tretis' experts reckon Apple's target price is $294, compared to today's rate of $258.

Its estimate breaks down to be 48 percent due to iPhone, 17 percent from Mac computer sales, 8 percent from Apps (technically the iAd advertising platform, which is still to launch), and 4 percent from iPad.

You can click on each element and vary the interactive graphs driving them, saving out your wisdom by registering and logging into the site.

Obviously shares can go up as well as down, although try telling that to any Apple analyst or stockholder today.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.